Friday, August 7, 2009

Writing with Light"

Did you know that Photography literally means "Writing with light?" That is correct. "Photo" means "light" and "graphy" means "writing." Hence a graphologist is a handwriting analyst. So, effective use of light is at the heart of good photography.

The week in review

My sunburn is healing only to an itch
I have had low drama which I LOVE
I have had many photo opps and took them some good some not so good
I Have a picture on a very known websight
My stuff is coming together very well for the art show
Kayla has been an amazing help to me this week
We hung posters up yesterday
Met new people
Learned one of my favorite guys from Christ the King is havng bad health :(
Gave a clerk a pice of gun after bought it when she said she had not tried that yet... shes was shocked I shared was kinda funny
Got friends some clothes that had none
Watchin a homeless cat she is so sweet
Read a book
Started my journal and lists again missed that
Now on with my day as this is my monday... ugh back to work BUT AS A DR. PHIL show years ago it is out attitude that can make or break a mood, day, attitude.. So I am blessed to have a job and I get to go to work which is where God wants me to be